
    Condition : New
    Location : 13 South Rd, Southall UB1 1SU, United Kingdom

    Wok & Karahi is a step taken to continueappealing to the pallet of those who have a taste for the complexity offlavours, aroma and overall experience of desi and Indo-Chinese foods.

    Located in Southall, Wok & Karahi is a part of London where Asian cuisines have long been revered by Londoners. We combine our affinity for creating a lively and welcoming ambience where you get to indulge mouth-watering foods prepared with great care.

    Every dish we prepare and serve our customers begins its journey in the kitchen in the form of fresh, high-quality ingredients. Using only the best produce, our chef prepares delectable concoctions that were birthed in rich cultures around Asia.

    When opening the doors to Wok & Karahi, we aimed to create authentic experiences for diners. Our commitment to providing our customers with a pleasant experience is personified in a family-oriented ambience where every customer gets equal attention and friendly service.

    With over 25 years of managerial experience in the restaurant business and facilitating the success of previous ventures. Wok & Karahi is a step taken to continue appealing to the pallet of those who have a taste for the complexity of flavours, aroma and overall experience of desi and Indo-Chinese foods.

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    13 South Rd, Southall UB1 1SU, United Kingdom


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