Ent Hospital in Madurai | Ent Specialist in Madura

    Price On Call


    Type : Sell
    Condition : Used
    Warranty : Yes
    Location : 75/1, Alagar Kovil Main Rd, Surveyor Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625007

    We provide the best and comprehensive care and treatment of patients with ear, nose, and throat disorders. Get the best treatment in Ent Hospital in Madurai at Devadoss hospital. We have the vertigo specialist give the high-level treatment for Vestibular neuritis, an inner ear infection that causes inflammation around the nerves that help the body sense balance. Our department conducts headache & vertigo clinics, hearing clinics, voice clinic computerized middle ear analysis & speech pathology clinics. Also, we have the best speech pathologist audiometer, and a multichannel tympanometer run by an experienced speech pathologist is available. We are the best Vertigo Clinic in Madurai. https://www.devadosshospitals.com/specialities/emergency-critical-care/

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    75/1, Alagar Kovil Main Rd, Surveyor Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625007
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