Best Restaurants in Srivilliputhur | Fast Food Del



    Type : Sell
    Condition : New
    Warranty : Yes
    Location : Srivilliputhur

    Foodieprime is a Srivilliputhur online food delivery app. It provides fast food delivery services in Srivilliputhur. Time is precious, so we will help you save your precious time. If you want to taste different foods, order your favourite food online at home delivery restaurants in Srivilliputtur.  We have a lot of the best restaurants and delicious fast food. Just order and enjoy the taste. No matter the weather, we are ready to deliver forever! order now.

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    2. Avoid cash transactions
    3. Beware of unrealistic offers
    4. is online marketplace for product/service promotion.We are not responsible for any loss or damage or any transaction between buyer and seller. 