Best General Medicine Doctor in Madurai

    Price On Call


    Type : Sell
    Condition : Used
    Warranty : Yes
    Location : 75/1, Alagar Kovil Main Rd, Surveyor Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625007

    We have the best general medicine doctor in Madurai. Devadoss Multi-specialty hospital has specialists in different sections like Acute & Critical Care Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery, Endocrine & Oncologic Surgery, etc. Our skillful surgeons are well trained to handle routine & complicated laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures. We are the best vascular surgery hospital in Madurai to give better treatment for the blood vessels clot. Our Vascular surgeon will do the peripheral artery bypass surgery to reroute the blood supply around a blocked artery in one of your legs.

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    75/1, Alagar Kovil Main Rd, Surveyor Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625007
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