Amazing Bangkok and Pattaya



    Location : sector 47 gurgaon



    – Flights and visa fees are not included in the package.

    -3* hotel stay

    -Transfer Through Cab


     STARTING FROM :33922 INR.


    With this package, we take you to the two most popular cities in Thailand: Bangkok & Pattaya. Thailand’s largest city, Bangkok is famous for its beautiful Buddha temples. Such is the attraction of the bazaars and shops in the city, it may even turn a non-shopper into a shopaholic. It has shopping options ranging from street-side to the best of the brands. Pattaya, on the other hand, is a beautiful beach town, with a glitzy and glamorous nightlife. Once you have had a taste of the excitement of the two cities, you can retire by the pristine beaches before you head back to real life after this surreal….

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    sector 47 gurgaon
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