Knee Replacement Surgery In Delhi



    Location : A -71, Second Floor, Rajouri Garden Metro Station Delhi 110027 INDIA

    Knee Replacement Surgery In Delhi Struggling with daily knee pain? Dr. Rajesh Malhotra, the best knee replacement surgeon in Rajouri Garden, provides the best and most advanced treatment for knee replacement surgery.
    Why Choose Dr. Rajesh?
    Dr. Rajesh Malhotra has several years of experience in knee replacement surgeries. A dedicated team he leads provides excellent care and support throughout the process. Not only that, but they also offer hassle-free pick-and-drop service for their patients.

    Knee replacement surgery costs in Delhi range from INR 250000 to INR 500000 for a single knee. This cost includes pre-operative investigations, surgery, and hospitalization.

    Contact Dr. Rajesh for the best Knee replacement surgery in Delhi and experience a personalized solution ot your problem.

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    A -71, Second Floor, Rajouri Garden Metro Station Delhi 110027 INDIA
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